четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

file recovry

As part of my job, I have to go over to the UW Medical Center to audit research regulatory and subject binders. Although there is a very good system for getting there (a free shuttle 3 blocks away), I have been dreading the trip for the past couple weeks because the anemia makes it hard to walk very far. In addition to getting to the shuttle, itapos;s a bit of a walk to the department I have to go to. Yesterday, I made the trip for the first time since Iapos;ve been back to work. I was doing pretty good after I got to the department.. The research coordinator had all of the binders spread out in the conference room, so I didnapos;t have to do too much lifting and carrying. However, after a couple hours, we had to vacate the conference room and I moved to a desk. This meant that every time I needed a different binder I had to go get it and lug it back. These are not small binders... Many of them are 6" wide. After I was done, I had to walk back to the shuttle and by the time I got off the bus, the 2 blocks that were on a slight incline seemed like a steep hill. It was a long, slow, painful process and I still havenapos;t fully recovered. My sister, bless her, got me dinner last night. I wasnapos;t sure what the morning would bring, and although I was tired, I felt ok. I was supposed to go back to the medical center today, but my legs feel so weak when I get up to walk, that Iapos;ve decided to wait until tomorrow. I have to be over there tomorrow anyway for my genetic counseling appointment.

In other news, my thumbnails are starting to get fluid under them and they are loosening up. Iapos;ve also got some mild neuropathy in my hands. Hooray for the weird chemo side-effects.

applewood 9 anderson, file recovry, file red wolf x, file redirection.

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