суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

don t play the game

This will be a long rant on a million different things.

First, I think the reason why half of all marriages end in divorce is because weapos;re all far too quick to say, "I love you." Also, because no one wants to be by themselves. Justsayin.

Did you ever answer a question? Then regret your answer? Hmmmm... Not like on a test, but like in life. Itapos;s a bummer.

Iapos;ve been quite mellow and nonchalant the past few days, I just donapos;t care anymore. Nehhhh. I could tell you every reason why, but itapos;d take forever to explain, and it still wouldnapos;t make sense.

Everytime I take two steps foward, I regress, and take four steps back.

Donora is becoming my new fave.

Nehhh, I had to take the PSATs this morning... Hardest test of my life. D:
don t play the game, don t play wit it, don t play wit me.

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