вторник, 14 октября 2008 г.

crazy frog music

I am the worst.
I am always procrastinating.
I always seem to have too much drama between friends and family.
My bestfriend lives in Omaha Nebraska and since she has left I havent been all together. My room is messy and my car is a disaster. I am usually a pretty organized person. Losing people in life affect me though. I talk to my bestfriend everday but still it doesnt make things 100. My grandma was diagnosed with bladder cancer and had to have surgery. I always have family drama with who is gonna take care of who. I just cant handle it all sometimes.

I do put off things.
One because I have so much going on.
I do always finsh things though.
I never miss homework assignments in school.
But�I do put them off till the last day or miniute.
I do make good grades.

I have put writing my live journal entrys,
One becasue I run out of time between college apps and AP Statistic homework and life.

I hate cleaning my room,
the last few weeks have been the worst.
So unorganized and not caring about anything.
I am always procrastinating.
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